Sunday, April 25, 2010


Hello everybody i haven't been on for a long time but today i thought i would share my feelings with you. So i been thinking of letting go my fishy lately and today was the day. I thought it would be very nice to let my fishy go free into the wilds. At first i didn't feel sad or anything but just after letting go my fishy my eyes went watery. Tears started to drop and i don't know why. I was just happy a few minutes ago but after leaving my fishy in one of those golden gate ponds i felt really sad and started missing her. I started to think back about those times when i first got my fishy from a bag of food fishes for my dad's Arowana. I saved her from being eaten and took care of her when she was half my pinkie finger length. The more i think about it the more tears i cried. I just wanted to say that in the beginning you will feel happy but once you let go you will begin to feel sad inside. Is this the feelings i will feel when someone dearest to me leaves? Is this how parents feel when they see that their children all grown up and ready to leave them?